Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 Snowflake Cruise


With the winter weather this year, it looked like the Snowflake Cruise might face it's first cancellation. But on Friday, February 15, 2008, the weather dawned clear and calm.

Four boats from Pleasant Harbor Yacht Club cast off for a weekend cruise to Alderbrook. The cruise was sponsored by Dale and Jan on Sea for Two. Also taking part were Greg and Tina on Heart’s Desire, Eric and Ginny on Gineric
and new yacht club member Don Avery on Dream Catcher. The sky was overcast, but the water was like glass all the way down.

After getting all of the boats tied up and registered, everyone gathered on Dale and Jan’s boat for drinks and munchies, followed by dinner featuring lasagna, salad, bread and wine. After chocolate cupcakes for dessert, all departed to their own boats for a nice, long sleep.

Saturday was spent doing whatever you wanted; some took advantage of the indoor pool and spa, others took walks and some took naps. Mid-morning, Mick and Kathy arrived on Caritas. Dinner and drinks that night was aboard Greg and Tina’s boat, and featured soup, grilled scallops and chipotle tenderloin with Mexican rice. Of course, no one went hungry!

Sunday morning arrived with thick fog and most waited to depart. Gineric cast off in into a thick fog while the rest waited.
Suddenly, it cleared and despite a little wind and wave for part of the return, it was a great cruise back and we all enjoyed seeing the sun again! Even though we didn’t have any snowflakes, this cruise was a lot of fun and just a little taste of what is to come as the cruising season approaches.

Jan Johnson waves a successful end to a wonderful 2008 Snowflake Cruise. Alder and Brook, the Alderbrook Resort's newest mascots hope to see us next year!